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There are three classic bandhas; Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara bandha. When practiced together they are called tri-bandha. They are practiced together or individually at specific times during kriya, asana, pranayama, mudra, visualization, and meditation practice. They also occur spontaneously especially in children, but also in yogis who can allow themselves to be moved by the evolutionary transformational force, the kundalini. Some do not have any outward flows (in these areas where the bandhas are configured wholistically) and therefore do not need to practice those bandhas, or if they did, there would be little effect.
The root (mula) lock moves the earth energy up through the muladhara chakra system connecting above it to the water chakra (swadhistana), while also serving as the valve connecting sky energy or spirit below it to the center of the earth. Mula bandha keeps the energy flowing between the body and the earth in a non-dual direction (neither only up, nor exclusively down), while it is the sushumna which connects the earth energy of embodied existence (at the muladhara) with the unborn formless realm of sky (at the crown of the head). The muladhara chakra is the most important chakra in hatha, kundalini, and tantric yoga as well as the most mysterious. It is where our dormant potential and animal power resides and it is from here the kundalini becomes activated and enters into the central channel (sushumna) activating the super-conscious network. This is not some archaic myth or fantasy, and should not be ignored nor demeaned, but rather its knowledge is essential to success in hatha yoga. Mulabandha is designed to keep this energy flowing in this region.
The best preparation for mulabandha is aswini mudra in order to tone up the nerves, glands, and muscles of the area. For the male it is the upward turning (like a triangle) of the space about one inch above the perineum. The perineal space actually becomes indented, domed, or sucked in and up creating empty space for the front of the pubic bone and sacrum to move toward each other. It is the same for the female except that the center of the action occurs at the cervix being drawn up and in. This is not a pelvic tilt (anterior or posterior which occurs between the humerus and pelvis and/or between the trunk and pelvis), but rather mulabandha occurs deep within the moveable elements and energetic dynamics of the pelvic girdle itself. It is an energy dynamic more than a muscle movement.
The area between the tailbone and the pubic bone is brought together in a healthy trans-integrity or phase of synergistic equilibrium. In order to tonify this region and get in touch with its energies please see the practice of aswini mudra in the kriya and shat karma section. The practice of mulabandha is very different however from aswini mudra. Following is first a discussion on the practice with hip flexion (anterior tilt of the pelvis). Then we will follow with a discussion of what mulabandha looks like in hip extension (posterior tilt of the pelvis).
Mulabandha occurs at the bottom axis or central connection point of the body connecting the front and back, left and right, and bottom with top (through the connection with the spine). Mulabandha forms the stable support of the entire torso and spine. It can provide traction on the spine. It forms the stable base for uddiyana bandha and vajroli mudra as well as the other asanas and is essential to traya bandha, which in turn is essential to effective pranayama practice. It forms the basis for mudra and long meditation sits by keeping the energy flowing in that region and taking any strain off the lumbar and SI joints. It activates Brahma granthi and allows us to enter Brahma Loka (or Nirmanakaya). It tonifies, purifies, balances, and energizes, the pelvic and urogenital region (see vajroli mudra for more specific results at the urogenital diaphragm).
If one tends toward constipation, constriction. tightness of the lower abdomen, hips, pelvis, legs, and lower limbs, then the perineal region may already be constricted and domed up already too much. Since mulabandha balances the energy front and back, left/right, ida/pingala and allows flow to occur, sometimes in order for this activation to occur, the area needs to be relaxed and even drawn down slightly in order to balance and synchronize the apana (the downward energy) and prana (upward flowing energy).
Uddiyana means flying upward energy lock. It is the bandha that moves the energy upward from the earth, water, and fire centers into the heart (air) chakra strongly influencing the efficacy of the lower bandhas by "making room" on top. Some claim that it helps suck the energy into the central column. It prevents accumulated tensions, toxins, or stagnation to develop or accumulate in the navel region. Although cleansing through its power to remove stagnant energy there it allows stuck or distracted energy to move through this region and up through the sushumna which is its natural uncorrupted path, hence it helps to purify and energize not only this region, the front of the lower spine, but also the entire body.
Preparation: Although it means flying upward, this refers to the energy, not the navel point which remains downward and posterior (back toward the spine). For best results and especially to first learn the effects, it is performed standing with the feet approximately shoulder width apart and facing forward. Take up mula, swadhi, and nabhi bandha throughout. First get in touch with where the navel is. Take one hand in back to feel the part of the spine that lines up opposite the navel which will be near the top of the lumbar curve approximately at T 12 (this spot on the spine will vary according to individuals, seasons, and conditions). Loosen up that area in back and visualize the navel moving inward toward it, without the spine moving away from it. Try not to hunch the shoulders or collapse the chest concentrating at the solar plexus and below.
Bending the knees slightly, place the hands on the inside of the lower thighs with the meat of the palms resting on the top of the lower thighs fingers pointing slightly in toward the knees. Do not place undue weight on the hands, arms, or shoulders nor torque the knees or legs, nor round the shoulders nor collapse the upper torso or upper back. Let the top of the scapula sink away from the ears as the heart remains lifted. Have the pubic bone catch the tailbone allowing the tailbone and sacrum to sink down to find the mulabandha. Resist the tendency of the pelvis to round in retroversion or tuck in anteversion, so keep it long and stable in mulabandha.
Uddiyana is used in vamana dhauti kriya, nauli kriya, agni sara kriya, tri-bandha, advanced mudras, pranayama, meditation, and also while in yoga poses (especially in forward bends). It increases the tone of the abdomen and gastric fire stimulating the entire fire chakra area. Thus the powers of digestion, assimilation, and immunization are naturally augmented. It opens up blockages in the manipura chakra and thus connects the water center (swadhistana chakra) with the air center (anahata chakra). It helps untie the Vishnu Granthi.
Bandha:Vishuddi (Throat) Chakra and Rudra Granthi This is the throat energy valve. Here the back of the neck elongates and the throat softens. If you are sitting, the direction of the movement is such that the occiput moves upward (toward the vertex) away from the shoulders (as the posterior muscles of the neck elongate and relax). Here the occiput also moves slightly posterior (backward), so the chin drops inward as well as downward toward the sternal arch. This movement is not linear but rather sequentially curved, the general direction is that the hyoid bone moves toward the occiput as the occiput lifts off the shoulders, the shoulders stay down toward the sacrum, while the center of the chest moves forward (the middle back remaining extended). In other words hunching the shoulders forward to get the chin to rest on the sternum will not effect the benefits of jalandhara bandha.
The occiput is raised up and tilted slightly backward lengthening the cervical spine from the scapula. The hyoid moves backward and upward toward the back of the occiput. The heart moves forward as the armpit chest raises toward the chin which finds the sternal notch. Relax the throat and lengthen the neck so the chin can go down to meet the sternal notch, but not forward. In other words keep the occiput back as it raises so that the chin not only drops down, but also inward toward the spine. Create space at the back of the occiput up from above the atlas as the chin goes down and in, without moving the posterior superior cervical section of the neck (C1 and C2) forward but rather keep it posterior.
Do not create stress in the neck, throat, jaw, face, eyes, palate, shoulders, or anywhere else. Let it find a groove. Especially avoid allowing the chin to drop forward and down while the top of the neck comes forward, rather keep the top of the neck below the occiput erect, back, and long, allowing the back of the occiput (above the atlas) to swivel up as the chin moves down (rather than forward). Avoid collapsing the upper thoracic vertebrae as well. It is suggested to breathe fully when doing bridge, shoulder stand, halasana, knee to ear pose, and other asanas that force an extreme jalandhara bandha, but always avoid any constrictions/tightness of the throat as well as the breath.
Jalandhara bandha tonifies the throat chakra, neck, shoulder, and arm regions. Jalandhara bandha is a great aid in pranayama which in turn is a great boost to pratyhara and meditation practice. It can correct TMJ and flat neck problems when performed with sensitivity and awareness. It remediates the jutting out of the chin and cervical vertebral compression. It relieves pressure at the cervical spine and relaxes tension at the throat region. It opens the chest and relaxes the shoulders. Thus it is beneficial to any conditions that effect the upper torso, neck, and head.
Consult a yoga therapist or avoid if the SI (sacroiliac) joint is unstable or the ligaments are overly loose. As swadhi bandha helps to create space at the SI joint, those who have overly loose ligaments in that area due to past injuries or genetic factors do not need this motion. Also avoid tension or proximation at the pubic symphysis, but rather traction so that flow and balance occurs also in front at the pubic bone.
Maha Mudra is the preliminary exercise for this. Press the anus with the left heel. Place the right foot upon the left thigh. Contract the anus and muscles of the perineum. Draw the Apana Vayu upwards. Draw the breath slowly and retain it by Jalandhara Bandha as long as you can. Then exhale slowly. Practise first on the left side and then on the right side. The Bandha destroys decay and death. The Yogi achieves all his desires and obtains Siddhis.
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